All State Recognition
Ashley Stover – 2nd Team
Elly Gorsline – 2nd Team
Sydney Eiler – 2nd Team
Athena Hart – HM
Maya McCullen – HM
Ava Palmatier – HM
Ava Broka – HM
Ella Kleiver 1st Team, MIHSSCA Dream Team
Breyer Fenech 2nd Team
Emma Gorsline 2nd Team
Ashley Stover 2nd Team
Sydney Eiler HM
Elly Gorsline HM
Madi Sesti HM
Liz Bellinger 1st Team, MIHSSCA Dream Team, LSJ player of the year
Ella Kleiver 1st Team, MIHSSCA Dream Team
Abby Pieper 1st Team
Kaley Douglass 1st Team
Rochelle Maxson 2nd Team
Sophie Casey 3rd Team
Emma Gorsline 3rd Team
Liz Bellinger 1st Team
Ella Kleiver 1st Team
Abby Pieper 1st Team
Kaley Douglass 2nd Team
Rochelle Maxson 3rd Team
Sophie Casey HM
Emma Gorsline HM
Maison Fenech 1st Team, MIHSSCA Dream Team
Allie Alford 1st Team
Erin Bowling 3rd Team
Brynna Gorsline 3rd Team
Hannah Emch HM
Brianna Powell HM
Abby Tuggle HM
Maison Fenech 1st Team
Isabelle Herb 2nd Team
Alexis Russel 2nd Team
Allie Alford HM
Erin Bowling HM
Hannah Emch HM
Madison Clem 1st Team
Maisie Fenech 1st Team
Paige Lonier 2nd Team
Alexis Russel 2nd Team
Renata Cunningham HM
Leah Davis 1st Team
Kloe Hitchcock 1st Team
Grace Kraft 1st Team
Paige Lonier 2nd Team
Renee Sturm 2nd Team
Leah Davis 1st Team
Grace Kraft 2nd Team
Sarah Tuggle HM
Ally Milam 1st Team
Lindsay Tuggle 1st Team
Amanda Dimmer 2nd Team
Grace Kraft 2nd Team
Kaysee Ishman 3rd Team
Laena Blanchard HM
Caitlyn Clem 1st Team
Ally Milam HM
Amanda Dimmer HM
Gabby Garza 1st Team
Caitlyn Clem 2nd Team
Adrienne Watts 3rd Team
Ally Milam HM
Lisa Vogel 1st Team
Adrienne Watts 2nd Team
Caitlyn Clem 2nd Team
Lynnae Prevo 3rd Team
Taylor Forbush HM
Gabby Garza HM
Carley Rhiness HM
Courtney Clem 1st Team, MIHSSCA Dream Team, LSJ player of the year
Lisa Vogel 1st Team
Margaret Hasseman 1st Team
Lynnae Prevo 2nd Team
Adrienne Watts 2nd Team
Courtney Clem 1st team
Lisa Vogel 1st team
Margaret Hasemann 3rd team
Lynnae Prevo 3rd team
Adrienne Watts 3rd team
Courtney Clem 1st team
Becky Marton 1st team
Sarah Traver 1st team
Lisa Vogel 1st team
Victoria Beasley 2nd team
Sara Sweeney 2nd team
Sarah Traver 2nd team
Victoria Beasley 2nd team
Courtney Clem HM
Becky Marton HM
Kendra Barrett HM
All academic team 3.83 gpa
Jaclyn Barrett 1st team
Leslie Needler 1st team
Sarah Traver 2nd team
Emily Kasavana HM
Kendra Barrett HM
All academic team 3.73 gpa
Jaclyn Barrett HM
Leslie Needler HM
All academic team 3.65 gpa
Michelle Kavanagh 1st team
Julia Rice 2nd team
Michelle Young 2nd team
All academic team 3.61 gpa
Michelle Kavanagh 2nd team
Michelle Young 3rd team
All academic team 3.65 gpa
Michelle Kavanagh 3rd team
Williamston Girls Varsity Soccer Records
Team Record
Wins: 23, 2006
Goals: 128, 2004
Goals Against: 8, 2021
League Champs: 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2022
District Champs: 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022
Regional Champs: 2006, 2008, 2010, 2021, 2022
State Finalist: 2008, 2010
State Champions: 2022
Goals: Season (min: 13)
Vogel, L: 42, 2009
Barrett, J: 42, 2006
Kleiver, E: 35, 2022
Kleiver, E: 32, 2023
Kavanagh: 27, 2004
Fenech, M: 25, 2019
Fenech, M: 24, 2017
Watts, A: 22, 2010
Vogel, L: 22, 2008
Kruse: 22, 2000
Kavanagh: 21, 2003
Barrett, K: 21, 2006
Beasley, V: 21, 2008
Marton, B: 19, 2008
Watts, A: 18, 2011
Kleiver, E: 18, 2021
Barrett, J: 17, 2004
Bellinger, L: 16, 2021
Beasley, V: 16, 2007
DeCamp: 15, 2000
Alford, A: 14, 2018
Sweeney, H: 13, 2012
Prevo, L: 13, 2010
Watts, A: 13, 2009
Beasley, V: 13, 2006
Kruse: 13, 1999
Goals: Career (min: 25)
Vogel, L: 99, 2008-2011
Kleiver, E: 85, 2021-2023
Barrett, J: 66, 2004-2006
Kavanagh: 65, 2001-2004
Watt, A: 65, 2009-2012
Fenech, M: 64, 2016-2019
Beasley, V: 50, 2006-2008
Kruse: 48, 1998-2001
Marton, B: 45, 2005-2008
Barrett, K: 35, 2006-2008
Prevo, L: 34, 2009-2011
Blumer: 33, 1998-2001
Traver, S: 31, 2005-2008
Bellinger, L.: 30, 2019-2022
Douglass, K: 26, 2019-2022
Assists: Season (min: 10)
Bellinger, L: 23, 2022
Garza, G: 22, 2012
Fenech, M: 20, 2019
Traver, S: 19, 2006
Bellinger, L: 18, 2021
Kruse: 18, 2000
Watts, A: 16, 2010
Beasley, V: 16, 2008
Kasavana: 15, 2006
Russell, L: 14, 2017
Alford, A: 14, 2019
Vogel, L: 14, 2009
Prevo, L: 14, 2009
Fenech, M: 13, 2017
Marton, B: 13, 2008
Vogel, L: 13, 2008
Prevo, L: 13, 2010
Garza, G: 13, 2011
Cunningham, R: 12, 2017
Blumer: 12, 2000
Kavanagh: 12, 2002
Kleiver, E: 11, 2021
Alford, A: 11, 2018
Douglass, K: 10, 2022
Fenech, B: 10, 2022
Gorsline, Em: 10, 2021
Fenech, M: 10, 2018
Watts, A: 10, 2009
Young: 10, 2004
Assists: Career (min: 20)
Garza, G: 54, 2009-2012
Bellinger, L: 48, 2019-2022
Vogel, L: 44, 2008-2011
Fenech, M: 43, 2016-2019
Traver, S: 41, 2005-2008
Marton, B: 39, 2005-2008
Kruse: 39, 1998-2001
Beasley, V: 37, 2006-2008
Barrett, J: 34, 2004-2006
Prevo, L: 34, 2009-2011
Watts, A: 32, 2009-2011
Blumer: 30, 1998-2001
Kleiver, E: 27, 2021-2023
Vogel, L: 27, 2008-2009
Gorsline, Em: 25, 2021-2023
Alford, A: 25, 2016-2019
Kavanagh: 23, 2001-2004
Russell, L: 23, 2015-2018
Young: 23, 2002-2004
Douglass: 21, 2019-2022
Fenech, B: 20, 2021-2023
Shutouts: Season
Clem, Caitlyn: 17, 2012
Clem, Courtney: 16, 2008
Rice: 16, 2004
Pieper: 13, 2021
Schrumpf: 13, 2003
Braden: 12, 2001
Goals/Game: Season
Pieper, A: 0.37, 2021
Clem: 0.50, 2008
Rice: 0.51, 2004
Clem: 0.60, 2009
Schrumpf: 0.71, 2003
Clem, M: 0.79, 2017
Braden: 1.10, 2001
Rice: 1.20, 2001-2002
Save Percent: Season
Pieper, A: 0.92, 2021
Rice: 0.91, 2004 inc.
Schrumpf: 0.90, 2003
Clem: 0.89, 2008
Braden: 0.87, 2002
Notable Alumni
If you are an alumni who played soccer at Williamston (JV or Varsity) please send contact information to Steve Horn at
Ella Kleiver (’23) – Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI
Natalia Mele (’23) – Cleary University, Howell, MI
Elizabeth Bellinger (’22) – Hope College, Holland, MI
Kaley Douglass (’22) – Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw, MI
Rochelle Maxson (’22) – University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
Roza Bonner (’21) – Lakeland University, Plymouth, WI.
Lexi Delong (’19) – Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL.
Lexi Russell (’18) – Alma College, Alma, MI
Madison Clem (’17) – Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Renata Cunningham (’17) – Jackson College, Jackson, MI.
Grace Kraft (’16) – Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI.
Caitlyn Clem (’13) – University of Wisconsin, Madison WI.
Hannah Sweeney (’13) – Olivet College, Olivet MI.
Gabby Garza (’12) – Northern Michigan University, Marquette MI.
Heather Beasley (’12) – Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw MI.
Adrienne Watts(’12) – University of Michigan club, Ann Arbor MI.
Lisa Vogel (’11) – Michigan State University, East Lansing MI.
Courtney Wright (’11) – Saint Mary’s, South Bend IN.
Courtney Clem (’10) – Michigan State University, East Lansing MI.
Becky Marton (’08) – Alma college, Alma MI.
Victoria Beasley (’08) – Western State College, Gunnison CO.
Leslie Needler (’06) – Aquinas College, Grand Rapids MI.
Jacquelyn Barrett (’06) – Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw MI. Captain her senior year.
Michelle Young (’05) – Ferris State University, Big Rapids MI.
Michelle Kavanagh (’04) – Defiance College, Defiance OH.
Julia Rice (’04) – Michigan State University.
Jenna Schrumpf (’03) – Western Michigan University. Goalie coach for Bay City John Glenn HS.
Katie Kruse (’01) – Michigan State University, East Lansing MI.
Stephanie Blumer (’01) – Olivet College, Olivet MI.
Barb Powell (’01) – Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw MI. Team Captain as a senior. Assistant coach in ’04.
Jenna Blumer (’98) – Michigan State University, East Lansing MI. Helped lead the club team to their 1st NIRSA bid as one of the top 16 teams in the country.
Alexis Perkins (’97) – Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor MI.